This police R8 is a very brutal creation

This police R8 is a very brutal creation

Woop-woop, that's the sound of da police! Regula Tuning laid their hands on an Audi R8 V10 and they forgot only one thing: a spoiler. Beside that, they turned the R8 into a really brutal apperance.

We've seen more sports cars that were wrapped as a police car. Some were real police cars, some were just a joke. We guess that the following Audi R8 V10 belongs in that last category because this car is definitely not built as an official car by the police. This car looks pretty cool and is spotted in Nürnberg, Germany. Complete with an extra big grill, a set of beacons and the word police on the car this car isn't one you don't want to mess with!

Deze politie-R8 is een wel heel dikke creatie

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