Spot of the day USA: Ferrari 488 Pista by Hertj94

  • Jasper
  • 2020-03-12 20:00
  • 197
  • 1

Spot of the day USA: Ferrari 488 Pista by Hertj94

We have grown kind of used to seeing these cars in all sorts of bright colors, this car just shows that even without a flashy color a ferrari will always stand out! ‘

Enough has been said and done about the pista so we all know how quick is and how amazing the technology is, but did you know this is the first Ferrari to have carbon wheels as a option? A rather expensive option that is, when checking this option box you should be ready to part ways with 17,000 of your hard earned dollars. But in exchange the car does lose 2,2lb. Those are some expensive pounds.. Might be cheaper to start exercising and lose those 2,2lb yourself, but who cares?? They look amazing!

Congrats Hertj94 on yet another spot of the day, i hope to see many more spots coming out of Beverly hills bearing your name.

Spot of the day USA: Ferrari 488 Pista by Hertj94

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