Matte golden SLR appears in London!

Matte golden SLR appears in London!

Just like every year, it are the Arabs who give London its colour the summer. While the average European chooses for a grey or black copy, a lot of Arabs choose for a special coloured wrap. Also, the wheels and bumpers are adjusted to the taste of the owner, to stand out between other supercars. Recently, a beautiful Mercedes-Benz 722 Edition was spotted with some great personalization.

We haven’t seen this configuration before. This 722 from Dubai is equipped with a beautiful matte golden wrap or paint, which gives the car some extra status. Standard, the 722 has a set of black six-spoke wheels but the owner of this 722 choose for another set of black wheels which seem to come from BBS. We often hear that the original wheels of the Benz doesn’t look that good in combination with the round lines of the car. The more round BBS wheels fit the SLR better than the standard wheels and make the car look better!

Matte golden SLR appears in London!

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