Maserati Ghibli captured beautifully

Maserati Ghibli captured beautifully

Maserati is having a hard time with their sales and they're still behind on their expectations. Still we can't deny that the Maserati Ghibli is a true beauty. The Levante has to boost the sales of Maserati but rumors say that the introduction of this model might be postponed.

Back to the Ghibli and its beautiful design. Spotter Dequal managed to win the Spot of the Day in Belgium with these beautiful photos. He managed to capture the beauty of the Ghibli on a unqiue and great way. We drove this car ourselves last year and we have to say that it's just a great car. Thanks to light painting he managed to create some beautiful photos which really deserve to win th Spot of the Day election.

Schoonheid Maserati Ghibli mooi vastgelegd

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