Is the Mercedes-AMG Project One finally ready?

  • Ruud
  • 2022-12-01 12:24
  • 329
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Is the Mercedes-AMG Project One finally ready?

The Mercedes-AMG Project One has caused quite a few headaches for the engineers. Is it finally time for Mercedes-AMG to start delivering the Project One?

There is no longer a strip of camouflage on this Project One and that means the car is ready for use. We are therefore very curious when we see the first copies that are in the hands of their happy owners. The AMG Project One was introduced in 2017 and should hit the road in 2019. That goal was not possible due to technical problems with the One and its engine. There were even rumors that Mercedes-AMG was going to pull the plug on the project. Fortunately, that did not happen and last week it was even announced that the One is the record holder on the Nordschleife with a time of 6:35.183. Very fast, but we didn't expect anything else from this Formula 1 car on the street. 1,000 horsepower, huge aerodynamic tricks and a good driver eventually made this record possible. How cool will this car look on the street in Monaco, Düsseldorf or Paris? We can't wait for you to spot the first copies!

Is the Mercedes-AMG Project One finally ready?Click on the picture for more pictures of this spot!

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