Hublot shows Ferrari Big Bang Carbon Titanium & Carbon Gold

Hublot shows Ferrari Big Bang Carbon Titanium & Carbon Gold

Watch manufacturer Hublot shows their cooperation with Ferrari during Baselworld with a new unique watch. The Big Bang Ferrari Carbon Titanium & Carbon Gold are a beautiful mix of these materials.

With mixing these materials Hublot shows to be very progressive with their Big Bang collection. The name refers to the fusion and origin of the planet earth. This fusion always returns in the unique mix of the Big Bang watches. This is the first time that gold and carbon fiber and carbon fiber and titanium are mixed. The result is a carbon fiber structure with gold or titanium. This unique design stands for sportiness and exclusivity of the brand Ferrari. Thanks to a unique coating the watch is completley scratch resistant. Subtle details including the stitching and the prancing horse refer to the Italian car manufacturer.

The watches are very limited. Only 500 copies of the Carbon King Gold will be made and only 1.000 copies of the Carbon Titanium will be made. Of course Hublot won't release any prices of these watches.

Hublot toont Ferrari Big Bang Carbon Titanium & Carbon Gold Hublot toont Ferrari Big Bang Carbon Titanium & Carbon Gold Hublot toont Ferrari Big Bang Carbon Titanium & Carbon Gold Hublot toont Ferrari Big Bang Carbon Titanium & Carbon Gold

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