Baby-Aston to retire

  • Kevin
  • 2013-09-28 16:09
  • 493
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Baby-Aston to retire

Many people think Aston Martin's smallest car doesn't deserve it's badge. With a tiny four-cylinder it has just a third of the cylinders of the other Astons. With a length of just 2.98 meters it is based on the Toyota IQ, one of the smallest cars on sale. This car, built with a good intention, is about to retire, after just two years of production.

The car is built with a good intention. Aston Martin had to reduce its average emission because of the high European environment demands. Many other sport cars manufacterers didn't have this problem, because they were part of a bigger concern which also produces smaller cars which reduce the average emission. Aston Martin is fully independent so they were forced to make a more economical car, or smaller model. With its high standard price of 34.000 euros it was the most expensive car by miles, which was a direct cause of its poor commercial success. Whether the car is worth an Aston Martin-badge or not, you can't say the car didn't do anything good for Aston Martin, otherwise the brand could have been in serious trouble.

Baby-Aston gaat met pensioen

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