A beautiful and equally special 992 Sport Classic turns up in London

A beautiful and equally special 992 Sport Classic turns up in London

A true Porsche fan's heart races faster at the sight, while for beginners, it might just seem like an ordinary 992 Sport Classic.

But no, it's not really an ordinary 992 Sport Classic. This specimen, discovered here in London, has been skillfully modified by the Exclusive-Manufaktur. Not only is the color an extremely rare shade of white, but many atypical Porsche changes have also been made. For instance, the Fuchsfelgen Design rims have been painted in the body color, and both the front and rear bumpers have been painted to match. The overall look is extremely clean and sophisticated. Unfortunately, we can't see too much of the interior, but it appears to be in a dark brown shade.

Coincidentally, a few weeks ago, the Bugatti Chiron Super Sport Hermes One of One was parked in the exact same spot. Another coincidence is that the shade of white is almost the same. Whether this is a mere coincidence or not, we'll leave that question unanswered.

A beautiful and equally special 992 Sport Classic turns up in LondonKlik op de foto om meer foto’s van deze spot te zien!

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